sedikit preview ttg nih game..
ni game buatan bethesda softwork, buat yg pernah main elderscrolls(oblivion) pasti tau deh :O…

yup, jalan ceritanya adalah dunia ini sudah hancur krn perang dan bom nuklir di mana2… jadi settingnya post wartime gitu, keren deh screenshotnya coba cari aja di gugel…
terus dunia di fallout itu luas bgt, katanya hands-on(preview lgsg dr developer) ni game bakal butuh lebih dari 100 jam muat namatinnya, belum lagi kalo banyak expansionnya..
banyak juga fitur2 baru kalo dibandingin sama oblivion.
RPG tipe ini mungkin gak kek RPG RPG lainnya, krn di sini lu bisa berkelana dgn bebas, gak perlu selesein main quest nya, ada juga side quest2 yg kadang2 ceritanya konyol..

soal grafik, gak usah ditanya, ni game oustanding bgt hehehe…
efek bloom nya kerasa deh, bagi yg punya RIG dgn spek tinggi, cobain nih game, katanya bakal bikin bengong pas liat openingnya 

oh iya, nih game gak cuman keluar buat PC aja kok, buat XBOXelite jg ada, PS 3 juga ada..

keren dah nih game pokoknya…
di gamespot.com, dapet skor 9+



ayo buruan beli.dapatkan di toko-toko program(bajakan) kesayangan anda…

115,203 Replies to “FALLOUT 3”

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  2. The primary distinction between the two methods, mentioned Jenny Scott, senior advisor in FDA’s Workplace of Meals Security, is that beneath HARPC, preventive controls may be required at points aside from at vital control factors, and important limits (comparable to temperature and time requirements) would not be required for all preventive controls.

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  5. In keeping with detailed-however-straightforward information about who would be affected by HARPC supplied by the Nationwide Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, the key distinction between a farm and a facility “seems to be whether you’re reworking a product in any manner.” Farms, as outlined by FDA, won’t be subject to HARPC, mentioned FDA’s Jenny Scott.

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